Minding The Gap - Explicitly Humble

Quick Thoughts: Minding The Gap (2018)

A group of skateboarders try to become adults.

Minding The Gap is an incredibly impressive and layered documentary. It is highly developed and nuanced if one cares to bear how raw and explicitly awkward and naive it too often appears. I find myself using this term too often, but this film has courage--much. It celebrates minor success with pure amazement and optimism, and looks upon tragic stupidity and traumatically real clichés with a paralysed horror and confounded eye. Better than any documentary that comes to mind, Minding The Gap--I must reuse this word--explicitly reveals a cycle of woeful failure pass from one generation to another, be shed and consume those coming being bitterly welcomed to the real world. The last thing I will say of this documentary is that it feels, is assembled, functions, as if it should be thrown away, as if it is not worth remembrance, but this struck out at me. As humble as it is explicit, Minding The Gap is a true achievement in my opinion.

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