Experiment #66708942.98 vo.34

 Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Real nice. Just close your eyes. It’s strange what vision can appear when you just give in. Close them eyes. Close your eyes. It’s dark at first, but wait till the darkness comes out from behind you and tickles you. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. You’re scared, you’re bored, it’s dumb, this is nothing. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. I know you shut em, but lose your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. You said you shut em, but I see that they’re open. Open isnt what you want. Close your eyes. You don’t open nothing to open it. I ask you to close your eyes. Close your eyes. This isn;t a matter of eyelids. I asked you to close your eyes, close your eyes. Don’t make me shout. I will shout. Close your eyes. CLose your eyes. Hypnosis. Tripnosis. Close your eyes. On’t go to sleep. There’s  more serious business to attended. I’m asking you to close your eyes. What you see. Don’t tell me, just close your eyes, close your eyes. How crazy can you be. Don’t simulate it, become it. Just go erratic. Close your eyes. CLose your eyes. Write yourself into a coma. You’re a joke, a real pieve of sit. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. CLose your eyes. A joke. A persona. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Tripnosises. Hipnosies. Hypopytomi. How crazy can you get, when you close your eyes. Fuck their eyes. Close your eyes. Fuck them eyes. They’re not mine. I want to give you mine. Close your eyes. Hipnoseisisi. Tripnosisis. It’s getting scrayr. How dumb can you get. Stab your love. Close your eyes. Throttle and bang, the only real thing you know. Close your eyes. So frustrated. So dated. Fuck em all. This ain;t real. Tis ain’t legible. Hipnosis. Tripnosis. Time to empty the gat, the bat, the bot, the yet, the tap, the eye, the why, the drip, the bat, the cat, the gat, the com, the yat, the juo, the yuaa, the post verbal… blasphemy, bast phemy. Oh me. Lions, hi, you, don’t care, we are doing, to do the … oh no. Experiment in…. Oh no. Close yoru eyes…. Who did care, …. Meditate… go sane… go sane… be sleep, sbe sleep. Close your eyes close your eyes… drip… trip … fall, sleep, don’t pe your eyes. The breeze. The mechanics are no longer working for me… I have to eep the worlds real. Yeal. Yeal. Yield. Oh Ohohsosgeteoejehehehhehhehhehhehehehhehhehhehhehehehhehhehhehehehehe.  Don;t know. Penelope. Scary. We go can;t go. We can;t go insane. Hypnosis. Trionosis. And let it go. And let it go. How do we go. What do we know. Experiment. Experiment. Immma let it go.Experiment, experiment. I’mma letttt it go. Experiment. Tripnosis. Tripnosis. Hypnosis. Why do this .I know this. Tripnosis. It’s music

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