Small Bag of Tricks

We are all small bags of tricks and symbols that have survived many thousands of years. We are not that which rules the Earth and your very form.

Your consciousness is stuck - why can it not leave the body - where did it originate?

Are symbols on the Earth those same symbols in consciousness?

What separates consciousness from unconsciousness?

What drives consciousness - (does time drive reality?) - if it is time, we are but millennia old complexifying meat. We forget how old we are, how borrowed our consciousness must be. Where does your flesh begin and your mother's finish; where does your flesh begin and the universe's end?

If we assume our consciousness is singular, then maybe we can rest assured that reality is a place to be relaxed within; in a universe of symbols, perhaps one could find solace

One perhaps can shroud when they consider that the world of symbols if infinitely limited by the illusive nature of meaning. A world of symbols is a world of infinite meaning, surely.

Though maybe we have submitted ourselves to simple thinking. A world of infinite meaning is a world scaled infinitely; perhaps the vast majority of meaning is mundane. Though how would one propose to differentiate mundane meaning from meaningful meaning; or perhaps from meaningless meaning?

It is strange to think such a way, but the solution to the apparent conundrum is in oneself. In a world of meaning, consciousness discriminates. Its innate practice is to distinguish that which compels it; and such demonstrates consciousness' hold on reality. It is wrapped in symbology, but driven by a deep patterns.

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