Chainsaw Man - Crude Dreams

Thoughts On: Chainsaw Man (チェンソーマン, 2022)

An orphaned is dragged into a dismal life of demon hunting.

Frustratingly good and just far too short. With the first season of Chainsaw Man only being 12 episodes and there not being much of an arc, more an introduction to the world and characters, it felt at many turns to be too much of a tease lacking a strong arc to the plot. This is as much praise as it is criticism; I just wanted to see more and felt a little short changed by the time it got to episode 9. My favourite segment of the season is the sequence that leads up to the leech devil fight, which showcases some of the best of the fluid and dynamic animation style as well as the ludicrously human approach to characterisation. Brutal and absurd in its aesthetic and narrative, Chainsaw Man does best in its production of a crude vision and contemplation of dreams. It just starts in this first season, so I won't delve into it, but surely am eager to see more from this world.


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