Kevin Hart: Irresponsible - Return To Form

Quick Thoughts: Kevin Hart: Irresponsible (2019)

Hart's 6th stand-up special.

Kevin Hart is a great stand-up comedian that found his lane in his first few stand-up specials really well, but maybe hasn't changed too much. His career in the movies has been... ok. If I'm honest I stay away from many of his comedies as they aren't that good. For some reason, he decided to tag long intros onto his stand-up specials recently that are all terrible. To my relief, Irresponsible finally breaks the trend. No awkward comedic opening--though I really do not understand why Kevin climbs into a box and is wheeled around before appearing on stage. That said, all goes well from here. Irresponsible is framed with premises much like Let Me Explain, and so is about Hart's own stupidity and general family life. This is maybe less personal, but nonetheless retrieves an edge I think was lost in What Now? - a terrible stand-up special. Irresponsible is then a return to form that had me laughing much like I did many years ago when watching Hart's first few specials. That said, have you seen Irresponsible? What are your thoughts?

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