Green Border - Corrupt

Thoughts On: Green Border (2023)

Presented through various perspectives, the struggle of a refugee family attempting to cross borders.

Green Border is a well-crafted political drama at once highlighting a crisis of immigration across European boarders and a corruption of humanity produced by thousands of breaths lost amid a struggle toward life. In particular, themes of parental responsibility and defencelessness push strong through the drama with characters on differing sides of the crisis being destroyed as individuals through the stretch, test and loss of their hold on family and security. Such is perhaps the most powerful dramatic collision in the film; the horror of refused responsibility depicted as breaking down the bodies and souls of all associated with the refugee crisis. There is hope within this dismal narrative, however, and it is found in the transformative capacity of horror; a hope that asserts the capacity of humanity itself to sustain and overcome moral corruption when confronted by its terror. An engaging watch.

Ghassan, you a legend


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