Deep Down

Form splits, soul diving into a black ocean of infinite currents and endless waves. There are no inhabitants of this strange place. There are no motivations. There is no seeing. There is no direction. There is only the loose notion of sensation. I do not breathe. I do not eat. I do not know. I have not spoken. Not for 10,000 years have I breached the surface and I don't know when I will. I am tired and hopeless. I was once lost at sea. But it has become apparent that it is only the land that has lost me. To the sea I am found; a known nothing in its correct place and in correct proportions, with correct balance and perfect vision. I am empty as everything around me gushes, full. I am bereft of intent and do not know what I am to return to. The ocean is deep, it is dark and it is turbulent. I am never asleep, never awake, but tonight I hope I dream.

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