Miss Granny - Melodramatic Gold

Thoughts On: Miss Granny (수상한 그녀, 2014)

A time-tested grandmother with a family caught in turbulent times finds herself young again after a photoshoot.

A thoroughly wonderful melodrama, Miss Granny has you guffaw and blubber in an instant. With some intimately sentimental musical set-pieces, witty yet soulful writing and powerfully goofy performances, this is pure gold and, by far, the best light-hearted Korean melodrama I have seen. Capturing the speed of life and the gravity of self-sacrifice, it composes a beautiful ode to motherhood with wise affection, each moment as lovable as the last and next; I was genuinely upset that this had to finish. Exhaustively brilliant and woefully hilarious, this swept me off my feet from the jump and left me floored in its conclusion. I can't say enough good things about this; silly, but honestly tremendous.


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