Experiment #217_B1o38 - Results

The better you understand, the harder it is to teach. The better you see, the harder it is to talk. The more you feel, the less you're felt. Know nothing and no one will know. Know it all, and no one wants to know. Communication is exasperation when you're that far on the other side. Who knows why the real is the only place we can coexist. All routes away from this mega-city of consciousness and suffering are lonesome. No one will follow you. Is it that the fog and mist are so strong? Is it that all roads away are forged alone, and no one wants to follow you that far away, from what they know and where we can all share in the empty bliss? Is my perspective wrong? Maybe roads away lead to knowledge of self; knowledge of little use. Maybe a new route in the city is of use to others. On the other hand, the roads away can become part of the city. What chance of that happening is there though?

 Experiment #217_B1o38 - Failure

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