Dreams of Evil

I wish I could be evil. Push over toddlers, trip the elderly and batter the disabled; betray everyone I love, murder and rape, commit treason and endanger the queen; pop off at a crowd, clap a bus driver, murk three shopkeepers, dead off a few high school children; get rich then famous, more rich and take over a small country; start a war my army loses and sell out; double cross the CIA, become a communist and the worlds greatest arms dealer; torture small puppies and let a bag of kittens out onto a busy road; yell bomb on a bus, then detonate a train; put a hole in the earth and scorch the sky; poison the water, and pretend to purify sewage; fake a mars mission and re-invent the electric car; take all my money and raise the AI zombies; cut my arms off and put legs in place; insult the pope and dance on borders; start a riot and die on a battlefield in space. How useless these thoughts; they could never materialise; I've left them half baked, just used them for the moments of sensation. That is their end. And now this 

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