Weight Of Light

Light weighs more than darkness. I don't know the precise equation, but it must be something like 4 cups of light equal half a cup of darkness. There is balance in this world, but density skews the view. It is thus easy to see life as a struggle, a movement in darkness. But, darkness is as shallow as it is plentiful. Light, though rare, is powerful. There is no comparing the two beyond this; they are, in total, one and the same; balanced and even. Alas, if any difference can be recognised, it is that light is heavy. It is like a shiny coin in a pond: sunken. This is called: irony. What is furthermore troublesome is the inability of light to be able to feel its weight in the void of no gravity. The mind feels not its power despite its associations with light. It rather mistakes the abundance of dark for a lacking of light. Balance comes from sight beyond sight. The circle is round. It comes up and went down. Two is one is one is two. Light stretches beyond, hence it needs power; darkness goes deeper within, hence it requires abundance. This is the predicament that sets the scales and completes the circle. This is called: wholeness.

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