The Soul on the Other Side of the Image

Some of the great arts consist of images; the view of dance, theatre, painting, sculpture, games and cinema (and all their cousins). On the other side of these images, there is your soul - if you choose to find and then see it. All art consists of that perceptible to senses - this is aesthetics. On the other side of aesthetics is your soul. Second to aesthetics is entertainment. On the other side of entertainment is your soul. Art, images, aesthetics and entertainment each are integral to the lives of the modern person, yet almost all choose not to see the way in which they are important. These creations are mirrors to the depths; in these mirrors are figures that tell one of life on the other side of the unus mundus; the perceptible universe. They will speak to us of Tao and the great Supreme Meaning that is the light at the end of our life. In shadow, and in light, we walk toward this source. The soul walks in shadow; form, the light. Images and alike are port windows that show the ocean in which your great ship sails. The wise man sails with his eye on the heavens above, navigating the stars. But they never forget the ocean below is where they came from, and that which they are truly trying to navigate. So, with an eye above, there is an eye down below, for the wise man. Look deep into images as you set sail, look deep into them, and learn of the second worlds bookending your plane of existence; the dimensions below and above are real, you live in them also. Watch how you move, and how the world does too - and you will be able to see more life than ever you could. Breathe in mind, in form, in spirit and in soul. Breathe deep.

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